05 March 2008

Keeping it positive

Things I like.........

1. The blog, Stuff White People Like (Seriously, have these people been following me around?)

2. Sebastian Laminates Shampoo for nice shiny hair

3. Valerie McDaniel, our vet

4. Seeing so many people voting and caucusing last night

5. My comfy bed (the mattress is the brand with those talking sheep)

6. The way watching a Netflix movie makes me feel like I have actually accomplished something

7. My co-workers, Ashlea and Katie

8. My Gucci loafers, worn and comfortable

9. Pizza

10. Math games


Suz said...

i am dying laughing at that "stuff white people like". bottles of water, funny songs, seriously -its genious!

The Kitchen said...

How 'bout all the students and families that adore you?!?!?!

a. said...

I love Stuff White People Like - it's so right on it's scary!

And yay for Gucci loafers :-)