1. I went to my second yoga class and I am still liking it. It feels great to be so relaxed, and I sleep really well after yoga.
2. It is teacher appreciation week at my school. I have been teaching at independent schools for 12 years, and this is the most amazing display of appreciation I have ever witnessed. I have gotten flowers and gifts, people have watched the kids at lunch, a parent cooked dinner for me. I feel very appreciated and very fortunate.
3. Huey remains our constant companion and little buddy. We both feel so blessed by this wonderful little pup.
Glad you're liking yoga. Huey is adorable as always; its funny how used to their companionship you become, Puppy (my cat) is at my parents for a few days since she needed to go to the vet and I really miss her, I'm rarely without her so it feels really weird without her following me around the kitchen while I get dinner ready or asleep on my bed at night.
Yea for yoga, awesome for appreciation, and hooray for Huey!
I have been wanting to try yoga for a while now. You'll have to fill me in the next time we speak.
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